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Our Walk through Washington

Literally...we walked or rode the metro everywhere! And I must say, if you decide to visit, do it any month but July! It was insanely hot, you'd walk a couple blocks and be soaking with sweat. I know it sounds gross, but it was the truth! 

This blog post is dedicated to my family and the pictures we took of each other. I wanted to make my recent DC post more informational, and this one is going to be pictures of my family! 

I didn't upload every picture I took with myself in it, because I changed a couple times a day so I could keep caught up on my outfit posts - nobody wants to see all that, lol!

Washington Memorial

Washington Memorial

Lincoln Memorial

 Lincoln Memorial



Patomic river boat cruise


Fourth of July at the Parade

His shirt matched the building!

Photos from City Center DC

A Capitol Fourth Concert

Museum of Natural History: She has a fascination with sharks!

Museum of American History: In her happy place, Julia Child's kitchen!

Air and space museum: Maybe we are descendants of the Wright brothers....

Air and space museum: She would love to become a travel agent someday!

Ben's chili Bowl 

Library of Congress

Quick outfit change at Library of congress

Aren't they cute?!

Front of the library of Congress

White House

White House

View at Jefferson Memorial

Goofing off at the Ford Theater

First day of vacay outfit

Two of my favorite pieces I wore on the trip were gifted by Betsy Boo's Boutique! I included the links below the pictures for you to shop them. They're selling out fast so don't wait!


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